Research groups

The smart living lab brings together the following research groups:


Building 2050 research group

This research group works on defining a novel approach to conceive the innovative smart living building. An ambitious and trail-blazing project, the smart living building will help put into practice the energy and environmental goals set for 2050. It will house the research activities of the smart living lab as of 2020. Further information and Publications

Laboratory of Construction and Architecture

Founded in 2016, this lab seeks to analyze construction processes and identify successes and failures, and their origins. A second fundamental question is to understand construction processes that encourage innovation. Further information

Structural Xploration Lab

This lab was created in 2016. Its goals is to support the transition of the construction industry towards a more circular economy. The research team places the focus on the geometry of the structural solution, its interactive shaping and its practical implementation. Further information and Publications

Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab

This lab is centered on sustainable and healthy built environment with an emphasis on the following themes: air quality in buildings, ventilation systems, room air distribution and human exposure to airborne pollutants.




TRANSFORM seeks to achieve a dynamic balance between the human factor, inhabited environment and technical progress on the one hand and an optimum use of resources and methods on the other, in order to meet the challenges facing architecture today. Further information and Projects

ENERGY Institute

The ENERGY institute supports the development of sustainable energy supply and energy management in our society. The institute works actively to transfer knowledge and technology to key industrial sectors: construction, energy generation and distribution, production (energy consumers). Further information and Projects



international institute of management in technology

The international institute of management in technology (iimt) is a leading competence center for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Utility Management, offering executive training programmes and research. Through its highly developed international network of partners, the iimt holds an excellent position in the national and global market. The chairs’ research team is active in the fields of Energy Systems Management, Innovations and Technology Management, Information Security Management and Project Management. Further information and Publications

Human-IST Institute

The Human-IST Institute (Human Centered Interaction Science and Technology Institute) is dedicated to research and training in Human-Computer Interaction combining expertise in computer science, psychology and sociology. Further information and Publications

Institute for Swiss and international construction law

The Institute for Swiss and international construction law is dedicated to research, training and ongoing education in all fields regarding construction law, public markets law and real estate law. Further information and Publications

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